Dr Jon Armstrong
Mr Jon Armstrong
The biggest source of motivation
Are your own thoughts
General Surgeon
Mr Jon Armstrong is a UK and Australian trained Bariatric, General and Endocrine Surgeon and is the founder and director of Advance Surgical, Nedlands est. 2013.
Obtaining his fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2002.
Mr Armstrong has performed thousands bariatric procedures and over 7000 sleeve gastrectomies. He is regarded as one of Perth’s most respected surgeons, with outstanding patient outcomes. He is highly regarded amongst the medical profession.
He has published results from his series and has presented these results at several international meetings.
Mr Armstrong has worked as a consultant surgeon since 2002 and operates at St. John of God Hospital Subiaco and Hollywood Private Hospital.
Patient consultation sessions at:
- Hollywood Medical Centre, Nedlands.
- Ph 9386 2634
Dr Jon Armstrong is a fellow and member of the following
- Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS)
- International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
- Obesity Surgery Society of Australia and New Zealand (OSSANZ)
- International Association of Endocrine Surgeons (IAES) International Surgical Society (ISS)
- Australian and New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons (ANZES)
- West Australian Endocrine Surgeons (WAES)