mini gastric bypass Perth
Check if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery.
Queries will be answered by Dr Jon Armstrong.
The Mini Gastric Bypass is a newer form of gastric bypass surgery. The Mini Gastric Bypass is also known as One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass or OAGB.
mini gastric bypass Perth
What is a Mini Gastric Bypass Procedure?
The Mini Gastric Bypass procedure is performed laparoscopically and again involves making the stomach smaller. In this operation there is only one anastomosis or join. It is slightly easier to perform and usually would take less time than a standard Roux-en -Y bypass.
It works by a mixture of restriction (with a small stomach) and malabsorption (as food bypasses 150-200cm of small bowel and cannot be absorbed in this section). Like all bariatric procedures there are advantages and disadvantages.
In this video, Perth based Bariatric Surgeon Mr. Jon Armstrong explains the Mini Gastric Bypass.
Perth bariatric surgeon
What are the advantages of a Mini Gastric Bypass?
- Weight loss is similar to the standard Roux-en-Y and may be more than sleeve gastrectomy.
- Because there is only one join, there is less potential for internal herniation and blockages that are known to occur after Roux-en-Y , sometimes years later.
- Good results in the treatment and remission of Type 2 Diabetes.
- Takes less time to perform, has a shorter learning curve and is associated with fewer major complications in the postoperative period.
mini gastric bypass Perth
What are the disadvantages of a Mini Gastric Bypass?
- As a segment of bowel is excluded and there is a degree of malabsorption it will be important for patients to take multivitamin supplementation lifelong and attend for yearly follow up with blood tests to ensure there are no deficiencies.
- The procedure is relatively new, commencing in 1997. Long term data is not yet available.
- There are concerns about bile reflux, possible gastric ulceration and concerns about long term risk of stomach or oesophageal cancer. No evidence yet exists to show an increase in cancers though.
Perth bariatric surgeon
Who is a candidate for a Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB)?
We currently see MGB as a potential option for sleeve patients battling weight regain. It is not an option for patients with significant reflux as it may make their reflux worse.
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At Advance Surgical, Mr Jon Armstrong and the team help people who want to lose weight through bariatric surgery, suffer from an endocrine disorder or need general surgery.
Bariatric surgeon Perth
Established in 2005
When we established Advance Surgical our motivation was to help those who find that diet and exercise are simply not working for them.
The cost of bariatric surgery
We understand the cost of bariatric surgery may be an issue. We have changed our pricing to be more affordable. Payment plans available.
Team of specialists
Mr Jon Armstrong, Medical Director and Founder alongside the team at Advance Surgical, have helped thousands of people in Perth.