gastric bypass Perth


Check if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery. Queries will be answered by Dr Jon Armstrong.
Advance Surgical Perth offers several options for weight loss surgery. One of the most common bariatric surgeries is Gastric Bypass.

gastric bypass Perth

Gastric Bypass Surgery explained

This type of surgery is usually performed laparoscopically (also called keyhole surgery). The stomach is reduced in size to a narrow pouch, to restrict the amount of food and to reduce hunger.

A short segment of the bowel is joined (anastamosed) to the new stomach to form the bypass and to augment the weight loss effect. Gastric bypass surgery as a treatment has been performed in tens of thousands patients over the years worldwide. The surgery is relatively safe with 2 to 4% complication rates.

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Gastric Bypass Surgery - roux-en-y
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bariatric surgeons Perth

Who Are Good Candidates For This Procedure?

Good candidates usually have a BMI of 35 or higher. The surgery would be expected to cause remission in about 80-90% of Type 2 diabetes as well as significant reduction in other obesity related diseases such as hypertension, obstructive sleep apnoea and hypercholesterolemia. The advantages of this procedure are:

  • Long track record
  • Quick sugar control in diabetics
  • Effective weight loss
  • Better operation for patients with reflux

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In this video, Perth based Bariatric Surgeon Mr. Jon Armstrong explains the Gastric Bypass procedure.

gastric bypass Perth

After The Surgery

Patients spend about 3 days in a Perth hospital after the operation and stay on liquid high protein diet for three weeks after the operation to allow all the staple lines and anastomosis to heal. After surgery, there are possible complications:
  • Bleeding
  • Ulcer formation
  • Leak from stapleline or anastamosis
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Stenosis of the anastamosis
  • Internal hernia formation
  • Small chance of malnutrition
  • Dumping syndrome (discomfort after eating sugar-rich foods)
  • Complications common with any operation such as cardiovascular and respiratory complications
  • <0.5% risk of mortality

This is only a brief description of the operation and the next step is to contact Advance Surgical Perth. Together we will go through the details of what the surgery and subsequent journey entails.

Depending on your consultation, your Surgeon may also discuss the Mini Gastric Bypass as a surgical option. Research supports this as a simple alternative to the standard surgery.

Start towards the new you. Enquire or make an appointment with our bariatric surgeon at Advance Surgical Perth: (08) 9386 2634. Our practice is located in Nedlands, Perth.

bariatric surgeons Perth

Mini Gastric Bypass

The Mini Gastric Bypass is a newer form of Gastric Bypass surgery. This surgery is performed laparoscopically and, like a traditional bypass, involves making the stomach smaller. A Mini Gastric Bypass is slightly easier to perform, and usually would take less time than the traditional Roux-en-Y Bypass. Read more about this newer bypass procedure here.

At Advance Surgical, Mr Jon Armstrong and the team help people who want to lose weight through bariatric surgery, suffer from an endocrine disorder or need general surgery.

Bariatric surgeon Perth


Combined Shape

Established in 2005

When we established Advance Surgical our motivation was to help those who find that diet and exercise are simply not working for them.

The cost of bariatric surgery

We understand the cost of bariatric surgery may be an issue. We have changed our pricing to be more affordable. Payment plans available.

Team of specialists

Mr Jon Armstrong, Medical Director and Founder alongside the team at Advance Surgical, have helped thousands of people in Perth.